Past Events
New Past Event
Past event to follow.
Cars Coffee and Cake.
This was our first time at running such an event. We had over 45 cars turn up on the day and lots of visitors who came to view the cars. The cars ranged from Lotus, Morgans, MGs, Fords, Porsche, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Triumph and a Lamborghini. We raised some money for charity and the church by selling Coffee and Cake.
NHS Donations.
Thanks to everyone in East Carleton we were able to hand over to the NHS Head of Fund Raising at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital a car load of self care products, treats and soft drinks.
Christmas Lights, 1st December 2020.
The Light Up East Carleton event. Lots of houses took part in decorating there properties for Christmas.
We sat in our gardens to celebrate VE Day on 8th May 2020 .
It was the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. Lots of villagers sat in the front gardens having tea, cake to commemorate the event.
The East Carleton Quiz Night on March 2020.
This event was held to raise funds for a Defibrillator in the village. The winners holding there trophies.
Annual village Litter Pick.
Once a year we organise a village rubbish pick, in conjunction with South Norfolk Council. Tea and coffee for the volunteers after. See the button below for more photos of the rubbish collected.
Valentines themed coffee and cake morning.
The tables are decorated with Rose petals, red paper hearts and flowers. Always well attended.
Soup Lunch.
This event is a popular event. The soups are all home made and served with bread and cheese.
Christmas 2019 Carol Concert.
The village has a group of amateur who get together at Christmas to perform a concert of Christmas song.
Soup Lunch.
Soup mornings are always very popular. This one was in October 2019.
September 2019 Coffee Morning.
This event is a popular event. The tea, coffee and home made cakes always go down well.
The events on this past events page are only the most recent. The Open Garden Events are not on this past event page, as the pictures seen in the Galleries are from the Open Gardens over the years.